Tuesday, December 24, 2013

FG Xpress Powerstrips Team Now

FG Xpress Powerstrips Team Now

Who is Team Now?
Team Now is a group of like minded entrepreneurs that believe in going after your goals and dreams now.  We believe that with support, empowerment, and leadership we can all achieve more.

Who created Team Now?
Constance Petot is the Founder of Team Now.  Constance assembled the team after a 3 year run with another company, she realized that in order to build a more effective team, all people should work as one.

Why the name Team Now?
Network Marketing is personal development disguised as a business, and in Constance's searching for the answers learned that in order to manifest your deepest desires, you must understand that your future is now.  It is her wish that all members step into their power and learn that what they think and speak about, will undoubtly come about.  So with Team Now she teaches teammates to view their futures today.

Why should I join Team Now?
This Team is moving quickly.  The growth seen from a group manifesting greatness together is nothing short of miraculous.  The overflow is abundant as is the support.  Coming into Team Now is a sure-fire way to lock in your success.

Get started with Powerstrips here: http://9655029.FGXpress.com/
Get on the mailing list: http://richandpainfree.com
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fgxpressnow

FG Xpress is a network marketing company that is owned by Forever Green Worldwide, which is a publicly traded company.  FG Xpress Internation strives to bring high quality natural products to consumers, like the Powerstrip.

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